Optional description of the rundown. Used as a name for the playlist in Viz Content Pilot.
Identifier for the playlist built specifically for this rundown.
Identifier for the profile that is the targer for commands, the link to the Viz Engines being.
Activate a rundown, causing all initialisations to be requested prior to the execution of a rundown. Note that experimentation has shown that it can be necessary to call this method a couple of times, spaces a few seconds apart.
Trigger the activations twice, which may cause graphical elements to start loading.
Initialize the playlist containing external elements.
This defaults to true
Resolves on successful rundown activation. Rejects if any step fails.
Cleanup the show and all associated renderers. This may be necessary if the state of the VizEngine is in a bad or in some way out of step with the automation system.
Name (UUID) of the show.
Resolves on a successful request to cleanup.
Send a continue command for a graphical element, causing the next presentation state to be displayed.
Object uniquely identifying an internal or external element.
Resolves on acceptance of the continue command.
Send a continue-reverse command for a graphical element, causing the previous presentation state is to be displayed.
Object uniquely identifying an internal or external element.
Resolves on acceptance of the continue command.
Create a new internal graphical element that is an instance of the named template.
Object uniquely identifying an internal or external element.
Name of the template the element is an instance of.
List of values for each of the graphical elements.
Optional channel to play out this graphic. Default is the program.
Resolves to a newly created element.
Create a new external graphical element by unique reference number.
Object uniquely identifying an external element.
Resolves to a newly created element reference.
Send a cue command for a graphical element, preparing it for smooth display.
Object uniquely identifying an internal or external element.
Resolves on acceptance of the cue command.
Deactivate a rundown, cleaning up any transient elements associated with the rundown from the VDOM tree. Those XML elements required for post-rundown analysis will remain.
Also cleanup the associated show. The default is true.
Delete a graphical element from the rundown.
Object uniquely identifying an internal or external element.
Resolves to indicate the delete was successful, otherwise rejects.
Run the initiaization of an external graphic element. This will cause the
element to load all necessary resources onto the assiciated VizEngine ready
to be taken. Watch for loaded="1.00"
in the element reference in the
playlist to know when it is safe to take the element.
Resolves on acceptance of the initialize command. Note that this is not when the element finishes loading on the VizEngine.
Start loading templates and Internal Elements of the show to the Engines.
Name (UUID) of the show.
Resolves on a successful request to initialize.
Is the associated MSE playlist currently active?
Resolves with the activation status of the associated MSE playlist.
List all the external graphical elements created for this rundown.
Resolves to a list of external graphical element ids.
List all the internal graphical elements created for a given show.
Name of the show to query, a UUID.
Resolves to a list of internal graphical element references.
List all the master templates associated with the given show.
Name of the show.
Resolves to a list of all template names for this rundown.
Send an out command for the named graphical element, ending its ongoing display.
Resolves on acceptance of the take-out command.
Clear up all External Elements and state associated with a rundown, including those required for post-rundown analysis.
Elements to omit from deleting.
Clear up all Internal Elements and state associated with given shows, including those required for post-rundown analysis.
Names (UUIDs) of the shows to purge.
Restricted to removing only elements that have a matching creator attribute
Elements to omit from deleting.
Sets the value of the 'alternative_concept' entry (or creates it if it's missing) on the parsed playlist.
Send a take command for a graphical element, requesting that it is displayed.
Object uniquely identifying an internal or external element.
Resolves on acceptance of the take command.
Generated using TypeDoc
Representation of all the graphics associated with a Sofie rundown. A rundown object is created to link a show full of templates with a profile that is the target of commands sent to that show.
External elements can be named using an optional alias and either their identifier or the alias can be used to send that command.