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Interface ExternalElement

Graphical element that is defined externally, e.g. in the pilot database.




available?: string

Set to 1.00 if the element is available. May be omitted or 0.00.

channel?: string

Optional channel specifier used to define which Viz Engines the graphics play on. Note when undefined, the default is the program channel.

error?: string

Set to an error message if there is a problem with this grahic. This often happens because the element is not available in the database.

exists?: string

Set to no if the element has not been built from the database by the MSE, otherwise omitted.

is_loading?: string

Set to yes if the element is loading onto the associated VizEgnine, otherwise omitted.

loaded?: string

Set to 0.00 if the element is not loaded onto the associated VizEngine, 1.00 if it is loaded and a number between 0 and 1 to indicate loading progress. Omitted if owning playlist is not active.

name?: string

Reference name of element references. Will be ref, ref#1, ref#2 etc..

take_count?: string

Number of times the element has been taken, or omitted if the playlist is not active.

vcpid: string

Unique identifier for the template in the external system.

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