Hostname or IP address for the MSE.
Port for HTTP commands to the MSE.
Websocket port for PepTalk communication with the MSE.
Close all connections and release any resouces.
Resolves to true on success.
Create a new profile for this MSE. A profile associated a show with the Vix Engine handlers that it controls, representing the current state of a rundown.
Name of the profile to create.
Resolves to provide details of the newly created profile.
Create a new rundown to be executed on this MSE.
Optional UUID identifier for the playlist. If none is provided, one will be generated.
Optional rundown description. Used as a name in Viz Content Pilot.
Resolves to a newly created rundown.
Delete a profile fot this MSE. A profile cannot be deleted if an associated rundown is active.
Name of the profile to delete.
Resolves true
on successful deletion of the profile, or false
the profile does not exist.
Delete a rundown from this MSE. Note that rundowns can only be deleted when they are not activated.
Rundown to be deleted.
Was the delete operation successful?
Retrieve a list of all Viz Engines with handlers at this MSE.
Resolves to a list of Viz Engine handlers for this MSE.
Retrieve details of a specific playlist as stored at this MSE.
Name or UUID of a playlist to query.
Resolves to the details of the named playlist.
Retrieve the details of a specific profile at this MSE.
Name of the profile to query.
Resolves to the details of the named profile.
Retrieve the details and controls for a single Sofie rundown.
Identifier of the playlist associated with the requested rundown.
Rundown with the given identifier.
Retrieve the details and controls for all Sofie rundowns of this MSE.
List of rundowns for this MSE.
Retrieve details of a specific show as stored at this MSE.
Name of the show to query, a UUID.
Resolves to the details of the named show.
List the playlists stored for this MSE.
Resolves to a list of playlists stored for this MSE.
List the names of all the profiles for this MSE.
List of the names of all the profiles known to this MSE.
List the shows stored for this MSE.
List of all the shows stored for this MSE.
List the shows in the MSE's directory.
A map of all the shows in the directory (paths relative to /directory/shows/), and their unique IDs. Example entry: ['overlay-shows/', '66E45216-9476-4BDC-9556-C3DB487ED9DF']
Add a listener for all non-error messages and events from the server.
Add a listener for all error messages from the server.
Check the status of PepTalk websocket and HTTP API connections to the MSE.
Resolves if both connections were successful.
Set the maximum amount of time that an operation can take.
Maximum number of milliseconds for any operation. Omit for query.
Timeeout value set. May be different from request if outside range.
Generated using TypeDoc
Representation of a Media Sequencer Engine.
Implementations of this interface are expected to hold minimal state, requesting information from an MSE when it is required. Users of this interface should be aware that every call may take some time to complete.
Rundowns are a v-connection concept held as special playlists in the MSE with a sub-element called
. It is safe to have more than one instance of a rundown or set up distributed access to a rundown.