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Interface VModelField

Representation of the schema for a single data field in a master template.


  • VModelField



container?: { path: string; uuid: string }

Internal detail of hoe to communicate with the Viz Engine about this element.

Type declaration

  • path: string
  • uuid: string
label: string

Label for the element, used for display in some GUIs. Note that more than field may have the same label.

mediatype: string

MIME-type for the data element. Typically application/vnd.vizrt.richtext+xml.

name: string

Unique name of the element within its schema. This element is often - but not always - a number or at least two digits, e.g. 06 rather than 6. VDF-based templates use string names.

singleline?: boolean

Field must be displayed on a single line?

uppercase?: boolean

Field must be displayed with uppercase characeters?

value: string | string[]

Default value(s) for the element.

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